Vittoria Urbano Wire Tyre - Banden

Van het merk Vittoria

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Product omschrijving

Whether you're commuting across the city to work or meeting friends at the coffee shop, this versatile city bike tyre is developed for performance. Vittoria has equipped this model with its timeless v-groove pattern that increases grip when leaned and also delivers fantastic wet weather performance. This makes it a great choice of upgrade for daily commuters who want a dependable tyre that's engineered for long life. Boasting reduced rolling resistance and modern elegance, this model is ready for the long haul with a range of width options to choose from that enhance both performance and style. Manufacturer's Part Numbers: 11A00272 Black 32mm 700c  11A00274 Black 40mm 700c  11A00275 Black 42mm 700c 11A00277 Black 47mm 26" 11A00276 Black 47mm 700c  11A00271 Black 28mm 700c 


Merk Vittoria
EAN 8022530023467