Ergon GP5 Comfort Grips - Handvatten

Van het merk Ergon

Er zijn helaas geen Ergon GP5 Comfort Grips - Handvatten aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

This stunning model features a full-size multi-position bar end for maximum hand positions and increased leverage and stability when climbing or during out of the saddle cycling. It is ideal for commuting, touring or for those who like a longer bar end. Furthermore, its bar end angle can be adjusted independently from the angle of the grip for the perfect personal fit and the bar end doubles as a clamp to lock the grip in place and prevent movement while riding. Like all the grips in the GP-Series, this version eliminates numb hands, aching fingers, and tired forearms. To top it off, it's made from 100% German, TÜV-certified rubber compounds of the purest quality. (Cannot be used on carbon handlebars)


Merk Ergon
EAN 4260477061393