Ergon SM Women's Saddle - Zadels

Van het merk Ergon

Er zijn helaas geen Ergon SM Women's Saddle - Zadels aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Ergon SM Women's Saddle is designed to suit female MTB enthusiasts that like to hit the trails hard and for touring cyclists who are taking on epic distances. It benefits from extensive testing on the trails by Ergon’s Factory Rider Team. Female-Specific Design When designing this saddle, Ergon rethought its designing process and performed anatomical studies of the female pelvis to create the ideal female-specific shape. The saddle has a flat profile which allows easy position changes and there is a central cut-out, which removes pressure from sensitive areas to prevent discomfort and numbness.


Merk Ergon
EAN 4260477066336