CEP Reflective Calf Sleeves - Beenwarmers met compressie

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Product omschrijving

Reflective elements combine form and function The woven reflective threads are one of the highlights of the compressive leg sleeves. What looks like an ordinary striped pattern during the day transforms into an advanced safety feature at night: The Reflective Compression Calf Sleeves increase your visibility from all angles so you can feel safe in the dark and focus entirely on your training. Compression for enhanced running performance At the same time, you enjoy the benefits of proven medi compression: The close fit prevents energy-consuming muscle vibrations while also improving circulation in your muscles. This accelerates the supply of nutrients to your muscles and the removal of metabolic waste products such as lactates. Your calves have more power – and you can feel it, too. Deep sensory stimulation of calf muscles The sleeves let you get that last ounce of performance with deep sensory stimulation that also stabilises your muscles. Together with the other beneficial effects of medi compression, this gives you the edge you need to set new personal bests. Your calf muscles are key here because they do the hard work when you run.


Merk Cep
EAN 4049772295562