Deda Gera Handlebar - Racesturen

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Product omschrijving

Ready for adventure, this drop handlebar features a unidirectional (UD) carbon construction, which makes it stiff and dependable without adding any unnecessary weight to your road or gravel bike. Perfect for touring and exploring countryside back roads and off-road paths, this model is also equipped with multiple hand positioning points for riders to find the best grip to match their style as well as the terrain conditions. This makes it a versatile choice for a secure and reliable hold when pedalling fast, while also remaining comfortable when you want to enjoy a longer adventure in nature. Gera simply defines a new standard for gravel handlebars.  Carbon Gravel Handlebar with Comfortable Geometry Featuring a 16 degrees flare at the drops, this model offers even more stability when you ride off-road. Reach and drop have been optimised (EOS), the 40mm reach allows a closer position of brake levers and the 100mm compact drop is for more comfort and fast transition from lever to bar-end. The handlebar features a 12 degree back sweep angle and 7mm rise. Clip-on Bar Compatible with Deda Internal Cable Routing With Gera you can use clip-on bar extensions in two different positions, traditional at the centre clamp area or wider and riser to improve your comfort. Coming complete with the DCR system (Deda internal cable routing), the Deda Elementi Gera Handlebar allows the full integration of the cables inside the handlebar with any compatible frame, but you can also choose a semi-internal cable routing. Manufacturer's Part Numbers: DBG044 Black Polished on Black 44cm DBG046 Black Polished on Black 46cm DBG048 Black Polished on Black 48cm


Merk Deda
EAN 8052783487730