Endura Windchill Cycling Jacket II - Jassen

Van het merk Endura

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Product omschrijving

When it comes to the cooler temperatures of autumn and winter it's time to wrap up warm and still enjoy riding in the great outdoors. The Windchill Cycling Jacket II brings outstanding cosiness to every ride via its windproof and insulating grid-backed fabric. Once you're underway and pedalling the inner face traps body heat. Meanwhile, the windproof outer prevents cold wind from stealing away the precious warmth you've built up. If you do happen to find your self getting too warm, always a chance on a steep hill, then zipped underarm vents and the full-length front zipper make it easy to regulate temperature on the go. The standard-fit gives you space to layer up underneath to customise warmth while still making it easy to move your weight about on the bike. A silicone hem gives the jacket a smooth fit around the bottom too. Three rear pockets make space for food and spares and a fourth zipped pocket is a safe space to stow away keys and cash. With rides starting before sunrise or after sunset, the reflective trim enhances visibility in low light conditions. 


Merk Endura
EAN 5055939986227