Alé Women's Solid Triangles Sleeveless Jersey Black/Wh - Fietstruien

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Er zijn helaas geen Alé Women's Solid Triangles Sleeveless Jersey Black/Wh - Fietstruien aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Just like their sleeved cycling jerseys, the Women's Solid Triangles Sleeveless Jersey benefits from a body-mapped design, where each fabric and panel is optimised for fit, comfort and moisture management. The ergonomic back construction allows easy movement while mesh panels promote perfect breathability and easy ventilation. A silicone waistband provides a snug fit with your cycling shorts and 2 rear pockets make space for spares and essentials. Lastly, reflective details catch the eye as the light fades - just right for those balmy late evening pedals of summer.     


Merk Ale
EAN 8055528338342