Fillerina 12 Densifying-Filler Night Cream - Grade 4 50ml

Van het merk Fillerina

Er zijn helaas geen Fillerina 12 Densifying-Filler Night Cream - Grade 4 50ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Turn back the clock from the comfort of your own home with the Fillerina 12 Densifying-Filler Night Cream - Grade 4. Applied externally, the cream is saturated with Hyaluronic Acid to minimise the visible signs of ageing. Famous for its healing abilities, Hyaluronic Acid holds 1,000 times its weight in water, drawing and locking moisture into the skin to ensure longer-lasting hydration. Already naturally existing in the body, our Hyaluronic Acid levels deplete as we age. Responsible for growth and repair, the acid helps to combat sagging, dullness to keep the skin soft and supple. Carefully formulated, this cream contains several molecular weights of Hyaluronic Acid to penetrate several layers of the dermis, ensuring each and every depth is nourished and restored. Plumping the skin with moisture, this acid also helps to smooth out the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, revealing a younger looking and healthier feeling complexion.


Merk Fillerina
EAN 8051417829441