Aveda Cherry Almond Hand & Body Wash

Van het merk Aveda

Er zijn helaas geen Aveda Cherry Almond Hand & Body Wash aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Cleanse and nourish your skin with the Aveda Cherry Almond Hand & Body Wash. The gentle formula conditions the skin with the babassu-nut derived surfactant, to allow for frequent washing without drying out the skin. Enriched with Cherry Blossom extract and sweet Almond Oil, the dual action hand wash and body wash helps to reinforce the skin’s natural moisture barrier. With 97% naturally derived ingredients, the caring wash is suitable for all skin types. The hand and body wash envelops your skin in the delicious, sweet scent of Cherry and Almond to help you relax and unwind.


Merk Aveda
EAN 018084005125