St Tropez Tan Remover Mitt

Van het merk St Tropez

Er zijn helaas geen St Tropez Tan Remover Mitt aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Effectively remove prior traces of tan with the St. Tropez Tan Remover Mitt. This exfoliating mitt helps to buff away tan build up while softening the appearance of dry skin, leaving the body perfectly prepped for the application of seamless, streak-free tan. Simple and easy to use, the tan remover mitt promotes a more unified tone and texture as it gently exfoliates the body from top to toe, supporting a balanced, silky-smooth canvas ready to embrace that fresh golden glow. Expect flawless and even results every time with this must-have tanning staple.


Merk St Tropez
EAN 5060022307162