MAC Studio Face and Body Radiant Sheer Foundation 50ml - Various Shades - W0

Van het merk Mac

Er zijn helaas geen MAC Studio Face and Body Radiant Sheer Foundation 50ml - Various Shades - W0 aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

A true beauty staple, MAC Studio Face and Body Radiant Sheer Foundation has long been a go-to for backstage makeup artists. The ultra-lightweight formula now features 21 new shades, offering 8 hours of comfortable, hydrating wear. The versatile formula can be applied in a sheer layer for everyday wear, creating a naturally radiant finish, or built up to create fuller coverage. This unsung hero product has been a staple in the kit of makeup artists, creating a perfected yet undetectable finish on the skin. Not limited to use on the face, the formula can also be applied to areas such as the decollate and legs to create a glowing, photo-ready finish.


Merk Mac
EAN 773602610693