IXS Carve Race Knee Guards - Kniebeschermers

Van het merk Ixs

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Product omschrijving

Tough but light, protective but flexible, the Carve Race Knee Guards make no compromises to your protection in a crash but still offer superb riding comfort. The first line of defence is the low-friction knee shell, fending off sharp impacts and also allowing the pad to slide easier in a high-speed fall. This outer is backed-up by the Xmatter foam, dissipating impact forces in a crash, protecting your knee from harm. In order to maintain excellent flexibility and comfort on your mountain bike, the Carve Race Knee Guards are made with AeroMesh, a light, quick-wicking and breathable material. This means you'll enjoy easy pedalling and full mobility across any trail. LoopLock straps top and bottom provide easy adjustability and keep the pads in place.     


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630472652631