Decorté Brow Styling Cream 4g (Various Shades) - 002 Natural Gray

Van het merk Decorte

Er zijn helaas geen Decorté Brow Styling Cream 4g (Various Shades) - 002 Natural Gray aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Add drama and definition to your brow area with the Decorté Brow Styling Cream. Lightweight and airy, the brow cream offers a three-dimensional feel, with a soft wax texture. Easily blended and buffed out, the brow cream avoids drying and hardening quickly, making free-hand styling an effortless dream. Set and tame stray eyebrow hairs, minimising the appearance of flyaways and stray hairs. Long-lasting and highly-pigmented, the brow cream leaves a fresh-faced finished aesthetic.


Merk Decorte
EAN 4971710515626