Nukeproof Shimano Steps Mount Chain Guide - Bladbeschermers

Van het merk Nukeproof

Er zijn helaas geen Nukeproof Shimano Steps Mount Chain Guide - Bladbeschermers aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

This E-bike chain guide for Shimano Steps features a backplate that's made from a lightweight alloy and it's available in six different colour options to complement your ride. Coming equipped with a durable nylon top guide with a co-moulded rubber inset, this model also offers a reduction in noise from your chain. Its top guide has also been extended to provide you with extra protection from your chain/chainring compared to the normal ISCG version. One final highlight is it's easy to install on most bikes without having to remove your cranks. The guide is supplied with various washers allowing you to fine-tune it to suit your chain line.  


Merk Nukeproof
EAN 5056389381433