Northwave Reload Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Northwave

Er zijn helaas geen Northwave Reload Jacket - Jassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Thanks to the 3-ply napped main fabric, with an H2O windproof and waterproof membrane, the Reload Jacket is great at keeping in warmth and fending off cold winds and sharp showers. The membrane is used in areas most vulnerable to the elements, while elsewhere breathability takes precedent, regulating temperature and allowing sweat to escape. The result is excellent comfort when you're pushing hard on the pedals. And when you back off the pace, you'll not be drenched in sweat.  A seamless, ergonomically shaped collar fits beautifully when you're in a riding position and a silicone elastic waist gripper keeps the jacket snug against your shorts or winter tights. 3 back pockets let you load up for your training and a reflective pocket border ensures you're easier to spot when daylight turns to darkness. 


Merk Northwave
EAN 8030819166286