Spidi Traveler 3 Black Red Motorcycle Jacket XL

Van het merk Spidi

Er zijn helaas geen Spidi Traveler 3 Black Red Motorcycle Jacket XL aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

SPIDI Traveler 3 H2OUT Jacket was developed to deliver comfort and durability during motorcycle travels in any weather condition. To ensure that the jacket is as versatile as possible it has a removable 150gr/sqm thermal liner and an H2OUT® membrane that makes it waterproof, windproof, and breathable.The primary chassis of the jacket is a high strength fabric with generous zippered vents in the front and in the back featuring SPIDI exclusive direct airflow system, an effective way to improve body transpiration and rider's comfort in warmest days.Traveler 3 has adjustable waist, arms and forearms to ensure a perfectly tailored fit. For safety there is a zip to attach the jacket to pants, Warrior Light removable protectors CE-certified En 1621-1:2012 in the shoulders and elbows, with a pocket to take a Level 1 or Level 2 back protector (not included). The combination of polyester 600 and 1200 and an engineered construction of safety sensitive areas resulted in an advanced jacket with


Merk Spidi
EAN 8030161441918