Northwave Husky Ceramic Tech High Cycling Socks - Sokken

Van het merk Northwave

Er zijn helaas geen Northwave Husky Ceramic Tech High Cycling Socks - Sokken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Merino wool component of the Husky Ceramic Tech 2 High Socks gives optimum insulation and warmth across a wide range of temperature. It's also extremely good at dealing with sweat build-up, wicking it away before discomfort sets in. And its natural odour resistance also keeps your feet fresh, even after a long day in the saddle.  Meanwhile, the Resistex Bioceramic yarns deliver highly insulating properties. Reflecting back the heat absorbed by the body, these yarns work alongside the Merino wool to maintain outstanding warmth in cold weather. The 24cm tall cuff adds extra insulation over the ankles and lower legs, making them the perfect match with your winter tights.  The coldest of cycling days demands the cosiest of socks and you'll not be disappointed with the warmth and comfort of these Husky socks. 


Merk Northwave
EAN 8030819241624