HUUB Armea Thermal Wetsuit - Wetsuits

Van het merk Huub

Er zijn helaas geen HUUB Armea Thermal Wetsuit - Wetsuits aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Armea Thermal came about when HUUB were asked to take one of their best selling suits and add a thermal lining designed to be extra warm and smooth to the skin. Designed with a 2:3 buoyancy combination and glide skin neoprene, the HUUB Armea wetsuit works to improve your body positioning for maximum drag reduction so you can move quickly in the water. This comes from extensive research in the field, collaborations with the likes of the Brownlee Brothers alongside other fast triathletes and extensive scientific testing. Specific panel placements and 1.5mm underarm thickness allow you to flex and move with ease so you can perform at your best and make the most of every stroke, while speed cut ankles and smooth skin cuffs ensure a fast transition.


Merk Huub
EAN 5060782867753