MP Men's Engage Short Sleeve T-Shirt - Black - S

Van het merk Mp

Er zijn helaas geen MP Men's Engage Short Sleeve T-Shirt - Black - S aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Our engage range delves into the tough world of combat sport. With its arduous nature, we have engineered technical designs which will thrive under the harsh conditions of sports such as MMA, boxing or boxercise. This range isn't throwing in the towel. This short sleeve top is styled with contemporary matte detailing.FItted with a mesh back panel to aid ventilation, keeps your body cool even when working at your hardest. With a side split at the hem, mobility is increased, crucial for combat sports. Style? Check. Performance? Check. How can you go wrong with this MP engage t-shirt?


Merk Mp
EAN 5056379606911