Gloworm USB-C Power Cable (G2.0) - Reserveonderdelen lampen

Van het merk Gloworm

Er zijn helaas geen Gloworm USB-C Power Cable (G2.0) - Reserveonderdelen lampen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The USB-C Power Cable is unique to Gloworm. Featuring ‘EasyRelease’ Connectors, the Power Cable makes Gloworm Lights more efficient, less cumbersome and extremely versatile. The light system when connected is fully waterproof and robust, however, care must be taken when removing the USB-C cable in wet conditions. Moisture will not damage the port or the cable, but the electronics will not operate until connectors/ports are dry. Please Note: Ensure the cable ends are kept as dry as possible and free of debris If a connector does get wet, usually a quick shake or shot of compressed air will dry it sufficiently. Ensure the connector o-ring is in place before connecting the cable to the light or power pack.


Merk Gloworm
EAN 615867421235