Vitus Noodle Helmet - Helmen

Van het merk Vitus

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Product omschrijving

Whether you're nurturing a fearless balance biker or teaching your youngster the skills of the road on their first pedal bike, this Noodle Helmet delivers peace of mind for you and protection from inevitable bumps and tumbles for them. The easy-to-use ratchet adjustment wheel means that it’s quick and simple to dial in the perfect fit on even the most lively little rider and once they are up to full speed there are 19 vents to flow cool air over their head on warm days. They experience that joyous sense of freedom and wind through the hair on every ride. It will feel invisible to them, but underneath you know that there is an In-mould helmet construction that uses a tough outer shell and EPS CORE to dissipate the energy of an impact. Should they still be out in low light conditions, the reflective graphics help to highlight their position to others.


Merk Vitus
EAN 5056389506935