Endura Translite Windproof Base Layer - Onderkleding

Van het merk Endura

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Product omschrijving

The short-sleeved Translite Windproof Base Layer is a great choice for a cool and blustery autumn day, the intense efforts of a cyclocross race or the milder, but changeable conditions of spring. The stretch windproof panels prevent cold winds from sapping body warmth. But at the same time, if the intensity of your ride is high, quick-wicking mesh back panels deal with the resulting sweat build-up. This combination of wind protection and excellent moisture control ensures excellent comfort across a wide temperature range.  When you're on the bike, the pre-shaped sleeves lets you get into your riding position without feeling restricted. The cut of the base layer is also tailored specifically for a riding position, while flatlock sleeves enhance comfort still further. 


Merk Endura
EAN 5056286910125