Nexx X.Vilitur Zero Pro Carbon Matt S

Van het merk Nexx

Er zijn helaas geen Nexx X.Vilitur Zero Pro Carbon Matt S aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Nexx X.Vilitur is a great modular helmet by Nexx for Adventure/Touring riders. A modular helmet is ideal for those who spend many hours in the saddle. This, because they cover your entire head like a full face helmet does and offer the convenience of a jet helmet thanks to the flip-up chin piece. If you are on the market for a helmet built for comfort, modular helmets are the way to go. If this X.Vilitur is not the helmet you are looking for, don't worry we have a lot of other Nexx modular helmets () in our collection.


Merk Nexx
EAN 5600427096867