Gangsta! - Cardgame

Van het merk Schmeta Games

Er zijn helaas geen Gangsta! - Cardgame aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Players embody a Boss determined to expand his/her influence at the expense of his/her rival factions. Players will be required to recruit gangsters in order to perform the most profitable heists available. Players will perform one of the following actions during his/her turn : recruit a new gangster (and pay its recruiting cost), perform one of the available heist (and obtain its rewards) or pass his/her turn (and collect a small amount of money). Gangsta is divided in three different chapters. From the beginning of chapter II, players will also have the opportunity to cooperate when performing specified heists (and consequently share the rewards). At the end of the game, the player with the most Influence Points wins.


Merk Schmeta Games
EAN 0745760162789