Jurassic Parts

Van het merk 25th Century Games

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Product omschrijving

WELCOME, PALEONTOLOGISTS This is it The field assignment youve been preparing for your entire life Over a dozen dinosaur fossils lie buried in a huge slab of rock. Time and the relentless forces of geology have mixed up the bodies, but thats a small problem for your team. For now, sharpen your chisels and ready that hammer Its time to get cracking and liberate the precious fossils from their rocky tomb. For the good of science (and your own reputation) be sure to claim the biggest and best fossils for yourself Jurassic Parts is a game of area control for 2-5 players. All players have access to the same slab of rock. The goal is to split it apart and claim complete dinosaur skeletons, the bigger the better


Merk 25th Century Games
EAN 0860002772622