100% Brisker Youth Gloves - Handschoenen

Van het merk 100

Er zijn helaas geen 100% Brisker Youth Gloves - Handschoenen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

With protection from colder temperatures from the lightly insulated soft-shell top hand, and the moisture-wicking microfiber interior the Brisker gloves keep your hands warm and let you concentrate on the ride.  The single layer Clarino palm retains feel on the bars, featuring silicone printed palm graphics for improved grip. The inclusion of integrated tech thread allows the use of your devices without having to take the gloves off. TPR wrist closure with hook and loop backing gives a secure fit, with the streamlined look of the neoprene cuff also giving comfort and durability. 


Merk 100
EAN 841269131193