Alé Women's R EV1 Future Warm Tights - Lange fietsbroeken

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Product omschrijving

While standard winter cycling tights retain warmth, the Women's R EV1 Future Warm Tights go one stage further in that not only do they hold on to body heat, they also generate extra heat from your movement. The B-Hot Thermo DWR fabric, in fact, can generate more than 1°C of extra heat. While it may not sound much, it can make a significant difference in your comfort levels when you're cycling in the cold.  The Women's R-EV1s also have an Acquazero water repellent finish applied. This prevents light rain and the spray from wet roads from causing you discomfort.  A unique waterproof cuff, to be worn over your shoe covers, also provides extra protection from water and mud splashes. Speaking of moisture, once you're up to speed and putting in harder efforts, excellent breathability will stop you from being soaked in sweat.  When you're facing a winter ride with temperatures heading towards freezing, the Women's R EV1 Future Warm Tights ensure you'll enjoy outstanding warmth and supple muscles from start to finish. Women's Velocity W8H seat pad Created specifically for female cyclists, the Velocity W8H Seat Pad makes use of high-density open-cell foam (density: 100 g/m², thickness: 12 mm) to give you the very best in support and protection on the saddle. 3mm ventilation holes in the foam give a significant boost to ventilation and moisture control, ensuring dry and fresh comfort no matter how hard you're riding.      


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