Assos UMA GT ULTRAZ Winter Jacket EVO - Jassen

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Product omschrijving

Motivated to Ride. Whatever the Weather.  The UMA GT ULTRAZ Winter Jacket EVO gives you the extra motivation you need to face into the colder and damper weather conditions of winter training. It all starts with the unique and highly functional fabric mix. At the front and upper back, windproof NEOS Light textile is deployed. This lightweight 3-layer softshell features a PU bonded membrane, offering total wind protection and a high degree of water resistance. Snow, rain, road spray and biting winds are all easily fended off. Cold Out. Warm in. With the elements kept out, Assos turned to the job of keeping warmth inside. On the inside of the GT Ultraz is their soft and fleecy RX Heavy. This insulates you against the cold but just as importantly it allows sweat to escape. After all, it's no good being protected from the elements if you then get damp on the inside when cycling.  To the back, 3-layer NEOS Medium fabric adds even more warmth to your ride. And then there's the built-in face mask for those bitterly cold days of winter riding. The sleeves use Assos' two-layer twinDeck construction, a protective outer matched with an insulating inner.  And at the cuff, you’ll notice these two materials aren’t sewn together, which lets your gloves seamlessly integrate between the layers for streamlined comfort. As you'd expect of an Assos garment, the attention to detail, fabric choice and tailoring are all first-class. Warm and weather protective, while also breathable, this is a jacket for the dedicated female rider, getting you on your bike and enjoying the outdoors when deep winter arrives. 


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000171410