Ronhill Life Night Runner Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Ronhill

Er zijn helaas geen Ronhill Life Night Runner Jacket - Jassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

When its dark, wet and windy, the Ronhill Life Nightrunner Jacket has got you covered. With wind resistance and DWR C6 water resistance, this lightweight running jacket will keep you protected from the elements, with a roll away hood providing additional coverage as required. The relaxed fit sits comfortably without restriction and the breathable design with venting tab ensures you stay cool and well ventilated so you don't overheat. Finished with a secure pocket so you can keep your keys or other small valuables safe, while the highly reflective print ensures you remain visible to passing vehicles when training in low lighting conditions.


Merk Ronhill
EAN 5051508542566