IXS Trigger Lower Protective Liner Shorts - Beschermende broeken

Van het merk Ixs

Er zijn helaas geen IXS Trigger Lower Protective Liner Shorts - Beschermende broeken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Worn against the skin, the Trigger Lower Protective Liner Shorts offer flexible comfort for all your fun days of slashing up mountain bike trails. The moisture-wicking material keeps sweat build-up to a minimum while the compression fit keeps your muscles supported.   When it comes to the inevitable falls and scrapes of mountain biking, the lightweight and flexible NockOut pads over the thighs easily deal with less severe impacts, offering protection from minor bumps and abrasion. The light padding also maintains excellent flexibility, leaving you free to move and manoeuvre your bike unhindered by bulky padding. Meanwhile, the hip protectors are certified to European standard EN1621-1:2012 L1, absorbing impacts and protecting you from heavier hits when you fall from your bike. And with an integrated seat-pad, you'll enjoy extra comfort when you're on the saddle too. 


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630472657902