Sportful Supergiara Puffy Short Sleeve Jacket - Jassen

Van het merk Sportful

Er zijn helaas geen Sportful Supergiara Puffy Short Sleeve Jacket - Jassen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Whether you’re testing yourself in a long-distance gravel race. Or maybe it’s a multi-day bike packing trip. Racing and riding hour after hour, cycling from sunrise to sunset, through varying conditions demands much from your cycling kit. This is where the Supergiara Puffy Short Sleeve Jacket really proves its mettle. As temperatures drop and cold winds rise, the closed outer layer reduces wind penetration, preventing windchill. At the same time, synthetic Thermore down-fibre insulation traps air inside, providing insulation against plunging temperatures. The short sleeve design offers greater flexibility, letting you regulate temperature via arm warmers and long-sleeve jerseys. And with a water-repellent finish, it doesn’t mind light rain and sharp showers. At camp, the lightweight design makes it easy to wear as you’re setting up tents and cooking dinner. And you’ll even find it’s good to wear in your sleeping bag when it’s particularly cold. If during your ride, the sun provides some welcome warmth, it’s packable enough to fit in your frame bag. Or hang it via the elastic shock cord for instant access. Sportful temperature guide Sportful now split the temperature range of their garments into two zones. Each zone signifies a different temperature range depending on whether you’re riding at a slower, steadier pace or more intense, faster pace. This means, for example, a jacket may be rated down to 0 degrees C if your cycling effort is at a harder and more intense pace where body heat is quickly built-up. However, the same jacket will be better suited to slightly warmer temperatures, say 5 degrees C, when your efforts are slower and steadier where you’re simply not generating as much body heat.


Merk Sportful
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