Fresh Lotus Day and Night Skincare Gift Set

Van het merk Fresh

Er zijn helaas geen Fresh Lotus Day and Night Skincare Gift Set aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Discover radiant, youthful-looking skin with the Fresh Lotus Day and Night Skincare Gift Set, a collection of everyday essentials. Featuring the best-selling Soy Face Cleanser, a moisturiser and a night cream, the trio work in unison to promote fresh and revitalised skin. Set Contents: Soy Face Cleanser 50ml A softening face wash that works to cleanse, tone and remove makeup and impurities. The pH-balanced formula is enriched with soy proteins, seeking to support the skin’s elasticity, as a nourishing blend of cucumber and rosewater work to provide a soothing effect. Lotus Youth Preserve Moisturiser 15ml Offering up to 24 hours of moisture, this lightweight cream seeks to minimise the appearance of fine lines, while promoting a revitalised luminosity. The refreshing moisturiser is enriched with super lotus, which aims to support the skin’s barrier and protect the complexion from free radicals. Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Night Cream 50ml Nourish and detoxify the skin with this ultra-hydrating night cream. The antioxidant-rich formula seeks to both defend the skin against environmental aggressors and reduce the look of fine lines. Enveloping the skin in moisture as you sleep, the cream helps you to awaken to a rested, revitalised complexion.


Merk Fresh
EAN 809280156175