OUAI Hand Lotion Refill 946ml

Van het merk Ouai

Er zijn helaas geen OUAI Hand Lotion Refill 946ml aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The OUAI Hand Lotion Refill is a softening treat for hardworking hands. Crafted from skin-loving ingredients, the formula helps to nourish and hydrate. Avocado, Jojoba and Rosehip Oil form a caring blend, blanketing the hands in helpful moisture. Smoothing dry, coarse areas of skin, the hand lotion is lightweight and fast-absorbing. Topped with a floral fragrance of Citrus, Rose, Magnolia and Linden Blossom. This product is a refill.


Merk Ouai
EAN 815402027674