Bridgedale HIKE Lightweight Merino Performance Boot Original - Sokken

Van het merk Bridgedale

Er zijn helaas geen Bridgedale HIKE Lightweight Merino Performance Boot Original - Sokken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

The Bridgedale HIKE Lightweight Merino Performance Boot Original Socks have been designed to be worn with lighter footwear, and are engineered with an advanced targeted padding system that provides extra support and comfort to all areas of the foot. Plus, Merino Performance Fusion Technology provides resilient padding, balanced insulation, moisture wicking and outstanding durability for all day comfort. The Performance Fit is also close and supportive so that the socks don’t slip down or bunch in your footwear, while the flat toe seam minimises bulk that could cause irritation in the toe box, and the sock is kept securely in place with an elasticated arch and 3D-shaped heel cup. Additionally, they are built on a structure of LYCRA® and set by Bridgedale’s Thermo Fit process to ensure the socks return to their original shape and size after every wash. The ideal choice for walkers who enjoy long-distance summer hikes.


Merk Bridgedale
EAN 610306136473