Zoggs Matrix Hand Paddles - Large - Handvinnen

Van het merk Zoggs

Er zijn helaas geen Zoggs Matrix Hand Paddles - Large - Handvinnen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Zoggs Hand Paddles are a great swim training aid for improving your stroke technique as they force your hand to stay straight as you pull through the water. They're also hydro-dynamically designed and feature a scooped front-end to catch the phase of your stroke with added holes to increase your feel of the water. Can be used on their own or with a pull buoy allowing you to focus solely on improving your swimming stroke technique. Zoggs Recommends... If you're considering training with hand paddles for the first time, you should always begin training with a smaller size (i.e. medium) regardless of the size of your hand.


Merk Zoggs
EAN 749266016638