Assos ASSOSOIRES Winter Socks - Sokken

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Product omschrijving

Comfortable, supportive, warm and visible, the Assos ASSOSOIRES Winter Cycling Socks tick all the right boxes when it comes to cycling in winter. A unique cotton-wrapped elastomer blend provides a lightly compressive fit for brilliant comfort, while also keeping the foot and ankle warm. The blended knit is also exceptionally good at dealing with moisture build-up, transferring sweat through the yarns to the outside, ensuring your feet stay dry and comfortable inside your cycling shoes. The seamless construction removes any irritation, a ribbed arch provides enhanced support across the foot and, a reflective band up the back keeps you safe and seen in lower light conditions. With the winter blue climaCode, you'll also know which socks to grab from your sock drawer when winter hits.


Merk Assos
EAN 2220000130943