Supacaz Super Sticky Kush Galaxy Bar Tape - Stuurlint

Van het merk Supacaz

Er zijn helaas geen Supacaz Super Sticky Kush Galaxy Bar Tape - Stuurlint aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Super Sticky Kush is the bar tape of choice for 3x World Champion Peter Sagan. Fusing performance and style, Supacaz delivers the only bar tape worth dreaming about. The brand boldly claims that Super Sticky Kush is the best bar tape ever. This Galaxy option celebrates cycling with a limited edition finish to complement your road bike. Super Sticky PU (Top Layer): Superior hand feel with long lasting performance. Extremely tacky advanced polyurethane that remains tacky in wet conditions. Highly resistant to UV rays, climate, and sweat. Embossed with the sacred geometric Supacaz pattern that maximises grip and tackiness. Kush Foam (Middle Layer): Exclusive compound that maximises the Kush feel from the thinnest amount of foam. Shock-absorbing qualities that drastically improve bike handling in the corners, downhill, and in rough conditions. Emboss: The tape is completed with the embossment of the beloved Supacaz pattern. The embossment creates the unique Supacaz look and wicks away moisture which maximises grip.


Merk Supacaz
EAN 660902387175