Fast Forward F6T Track Front Wheel - Voorwielen

Van het merk Fast Forward

Er zijn helaas geen Fast Forward F6T Track Front Wheel - Voorwielen aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Fast, agile and ultra-stable, the Fast Forward F6T Front Wheel is a track optimised wheel that features a 60mm-deep rim profile, uses tubular tyres and since it’s intended for track use it has no braking surface. The combination of its full carbon rim, 60mm DARC-profile rim, tubular tyre compatibility and the zero-braking surface provides this wheel with exceptional aerodynamic efficiency and control at a low weight. Hand-built in The Netherlands, this artisan-built wheel is exceptionally stiff and responsive, giving the outstanding performance required for velodrome and track racing. World-Class Quality Full Carbon Track Wheels Since no brake surface is required for the track, the F6T UV protected decals are applied to the rim edge 24 front and 28 rear spokes on FFWD proven track hubs. Fast Forward’s rim technologies and unique artisan wheel building techniques are market-leading and World Tour tested. FFWD Wheels are hand built in The Netherlands and have been ridden to victories in the Spring Classics, each Grand Tour and numerous World Championships.


Merk Fast Forward
EAN 8720574633665