IXS Trigger Pants - Lange broeken

Van het merk Ixs

Er zijn helaas geen IXS Trigger Pants - Lange broeken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Created for racing but equally at home on a trail riding day, the Trigger MTB Pants are made from X-stretch, a multi-directional stretch fabric, they're tailored perfectly for a riding position so no matter how much you need to move and shift body-weight these trousers will never hold you back. You'll also not want to be distracted by slipping pants mid-race and with their silicone inner print and waist adjusters, the Triggers aren't going to budge - the perfect fit every time. During an intense Downhill race, you'll also relish the quick-wicking and breathable performance of the pants, ensuring you're not overheating and getting clammy as you put in race-winning efforts.


Merk Ixs
EAN 7630472688890