The Last Duel

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Product omschrijving

Zavvi - The Home of Pop CultureJodie Comer “makes her mark” (Owen Gleiberman, Variety) in this thought-provoking drama set during the 14th century in France from visionary filmmaker Ridley Scott. Based on actual events, the film centres on one woman’s (Comer) accusation that she was brutally assaulted by Jacques Le Gris (Adam Driver), her husband Jean de Carrouges’ (Matt Damon) friend.Now, in order to prove his wife’s claim, de Carrouges must fight Le Gris to the death, the victor believed to be determined by God. All three lives hang in the balance in this gripping, cinematic film also starring Ben Affleck as Le Gris’ scheming ally, Count d’Alençon.


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