Columbia Noir #5: Humphrey Bogart (Limited Edition)

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Product omschrijving

Zavvi - The Home of Pop Culture Film List: Dead Reckoning (John Cromwell, 1947) Knock On Any Door (Nicholas Ray, 1949) Tokyo Joe (Stuart Heisler, 1949) Sirocco (Curtis Bernhardt, 1951) The Family Secret (Henry Levin, 1951) The Harder They Fall (Mark Robson, 1956) A fifth foray into the film noir output of Columbia Pictures, but, this time, with a twist. Not only does this volume bring together six more gems from the studio's archives, but it also serves as a showcase for the great Humphrey Bogart. Having established his stardom in the gangster pictures of the 1930s, Bogart fit easily into the world of film noir, where he was equally at home playing troubled servicemen, slick-talking lawyers, black marketeers, gambling den owners, or hard-up journalists. Columbia Noir #5: Humphrey Bogart brings together five of the iconic actor’s starring vehicles: John Cromwell's Dead Reckoning, Nicholas Ray's Knock on Any Door, Stuart Heisler's Tokyo Joe, Curtis Bernhardt's Sirocco, and Mark Robson's The Harder They Fall, plus Henry Levin's The Family Secret, a rarity starring Lee J Cobb and John Derek that was produced by Bogart's Santana Pictures, an outfit that regularly delved into the seedy, shadowy world of noir. Featuring a stunning 4K restoration of The Harder They Fall, and with Sirocco and The Family Secret appearing on Blu-ray for the first time anywhere in the world, this stunning collection includes newly recorded commentaries and critical appreciations, archival documentaries and short films, and a 120-page book. Strictly limited to 6,000 numbered units. Product Features 4K restoration of The Harder They Fall HD presentations of Dead Reckoning, Knock on Any Door, Tokyo Joe, Sirocco and The Family Secret Original mono audio Audio commentary with film scholar and preservationist Alan K Rode on Dead Reckoning (2022) Audio commentary with writer and film historian Pamela Hutchinson on Knock on Any Door (2022) Audio commentary with writer and film historian Nora Fiore on Tokyo Joe (2022) Audio commentary with film historians Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and Josh Nelson on Sirocco (2022) Audio commentary with professor and film scholar Jason A Ney on The Family Secret (2022) Audio commentary with critics and writers Glenn Kenny and Farran Smith Nehme on The Harder They Fall (2022) The South Bank Show: 'Bogart: Here's Looking at You, Kid' (1997): episode of the British arts television series devoted to the iconic actor Tony Rayns on 'Dead Reckoning' (2022): appreciation by the writer and film programmer Geoff Andrew on 'Knock on Any Door' (2022): the critic and programmer discusses Bogart and Nicholas Ray Bertrand Tavernier on 'Tokyo Joe' (2017): archival appreciation by the celebrated filmmaker and critic Tom Vincent on Sessue Hayakawa (2022): the film archivist looks at the career and stardom of the Tokyo Joe actor from the silent film era through to his Oscar-nominated role in The Bridge on the River Kwai Christina Newland on 'The Harder They Fall' (2022): the critic and writer talks Bogart, boxing and Budd Schulberg Bertrand Tavernier on 'The Harder They Fall' (2017): archival appreciation by the celebrated filmmaker and critic The Negro Soldier (1944): WWII documentary film intended as a recruitment drive for African American enlistees, directed by Stuart Heisler and now preserved by the National Film Registry for its cultural and historical significance Jim Pines on 'The Negro Soldier' (2010): audio presentation by the author and lecturer, recorded following a screening of the film at London's BFI Southbank The Negro Sailor (1945): documentary short film, inspired by the success of The Negro Soldier, directed by Henry Levin Watchtower Over Tomorrow (1945): documentary short film about the formation of the United Nations, directed by John Cromwell Tuesday in November (1945): documentary short on the US presidential campaign of 1944, on which Nicholas Ray served as assistant director That Justice Be Done (1945): documentary short on the Nuremberg Trials, written by Budd Schulberg The Big Moment (1954): short film produced by the United Jewish Appeal starring Knock on Any Door and The Family Secret actor John Derek Max Baer on Super 8: home cinema presentations of boxing matches featuring the prize fighter who acted in The Harder They Fall, including his famous bout with Primo Carnera that he would recreate in the film Theatrical trailer for Knock on Any Door Image galleries: publicity and promotional materials New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing Limited edition exclusive 120-page book with a new essay by Imogen Sara Smith, extensive archival articles and interviews, new writing on the various short films, and film credits World and UK premieres on Blu-ray Limited edition box set of 6,000 numbered units All extras subject to change


Merk Powerhouse Films
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