DeFeet Cush 1" Socks - Sokken

Van het merk Defeet

Er zijn helaas geen DeFeet Cush 1" Socks - Sokken aanbiedingen op het moment.

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Product omschrijving

Made for the demands of rougher roads, gravel and mountain bike trails, the Cush 1" Socks offer a padded profile across the forefoot and heel, easing pressure and soaking up some of the jarring bumps and vibrations from difficult terrain.  You'll also benefit from the no-feel seam construction, preventing irritation. And the quick-wicking fabrics also dels with sweat build-up, preventing hot spots or blisters from forming. The arch support keeps them snugly and comfortably in place too, while the 1-inch cuff allows more air to the legs on a warm day.   


Merk Defeet
EAN 682864815046