DeFeet Cyclismo Wool Blend Socks - Sokken

Van het merk Defeet

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Product omschrijving

The Cyclismo Wool Blend Socks combine a host of functional materials and features to improve your comfort when pushing on the pedals. Beginning with the materials, you'll find the combination of Merino Wool and synthetic fibres provide both extra cosiness when it's cool and yet excellent breathability and sweat-wicking when it's warm. Mesh is also used across the main part of the foot, allowing sweat an easy escape route. In terms of features, the no-feal toe seams prevent irritation inside your cycling shoes. Meanwhile, the textured weave cuff provides a snug, no-slip fit - perfect for crisp tan lines. The Arch support also adds comfort while the Meta padding under the pall of the foot eases pressure as you press on the pedals. 


Merk Defeet
EAN 682864814810