DeFeet E-Touch Dura Gloves - Handschoenen

Van het merk Defeet

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Product omschrijving

There are days where temperatures are chilly but your exertions and efforts are high. And it's here the E-Touch Dura Gloves come into their own. Whether it's cycling or running, or any other aerobic activity for that matter, the slim knitted construction allows for excellent dexterity, making it easy to grab an energy gel, operate brakes and gears or grab your smartphone. Despite their low weight they still do a great job of guarding against cool temperatures, with a blend of Merino wool, polyester and polyamide locking in warmth.  Electronic Touch With touchscreen compatible middle finger, index finger and thumb, the E-Touch gloves allow easy use of your touchscreen device while keeping your hands protected. Whether it's stat tracking apps, your favourite exercise tunes or just making a quick call, you don't have to go without. The E-touch gloves give you 6 touch screen friendly digits so you can tap away without removing your gloves.


Merk Defeet
EAN 682864814599