Altura Crochet Mitts - Handschoenen

Van het merk Altura

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Product omschrijving

Look at classic cycling pictures from the 1950s and 60s, be it racing or touring, and you'll see the knitted cycling mitt adorning the hands of many a champion of the road. And you too can get that same look with the Crochet Mitts. However, don't let the looks deceive, they perform to modern standards too.  The crochet back allows for brilliant ventilation, keeping your hands cool on a hot day. And to the palm, the Amara synthetic leather is brilliantly flexible, allowing optimal dexterity. Perforations across the palm prevent sweat build-up and strategically placed cushioning pads take the pressure off and soak up lumps and bumps from the road.  Fit is made easy via the hook and loop adjuster and finger tabs make it easy to pull your gloves off after your ride. 


Merk Altura
EAN 5034948148383