Sailfish Atlantic 2 Wetsuit - Wetsuits

Van het merk Sailfish

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Product omschrijving

Whether you’re a regular open-water swimmer, or only venture out occasionally, a reliable and comfortable wetsuit is an invaluable companion. Whether you’re taking part in leisure or performance-based events, a robust and dependable wetsuit will help you feel safe and confident in the water. And even if water temperatures are high, you don’t want to be out for an extended period of time without a reliable partner like the sailfish Atlantic accompanying you on your adventure.+ The Atlantic is rugged, thanks to our sailfish Speedflex neoprene. Simultaneously durable and flexible, this material represents a successful culmination of our quest for maximum mobility and minimum wear and tear. This genuine long-life neoprene is textile-laminated on both sides, making it particularly resilient. Small loop, big effect Who hasn’t wanted to quickly just put on their wetsuit and get into the open water? But dealing with a back zip is not that easy. This is where our Easy Loop proves its value. The loop makes it easy to tighten and close the zip in no time at all. And it’s the perfect place to attach the sailfish Outdoor Swimming Buoy without annoying waist belts. Optimised neoprene thickness for protection and mobility keep cool while fully experiencing the joys of open water. The lower leg is thinned down to 0.5mm which makes the Atlantic easy to put on and take off.


Merk Sailfish
EAN 4055083202311