Dainese Scarabeo Pro Junior Elbow Guards - Elleboogbeschermers

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Product omschrijving

For ambitious young mountain bikers who are forever testing their skills and the limits of tyre grip, a crash or two is an inevitable part of their biking life. But with the flexible protection of the Scarabeo Pro Junior Elbow Guards, they'll be confident to keep pushing their progression, safe in the knowledge they're covered when they hit the dirt.  Protection Inspired by Nature Inspired by the geometry of auxetic materials present in nature, dissipating forces in all directions when impacted, the Pro-Shape 2.0 protectors offer flexible protection that complements body movements rather than hinders them. In fact, Dainese claims the Pro-Shape 2.0 elbow zone will absorb up to 83% of the force of an impact, protecting your elbow from injury in a crash.  Lightweight and Breathable The sleeve of the Scarabeo pad is made from a lightweight and breathable fabric for outstanding riding comfort. With 55% of the structure of an open design, you can look forward to excellent ventilation to keep you cool, even on the warmest of days and during the rowdiest of trail-riding sessions. With wide elastic bands and silicone grippers to the upper and lower, these are pads that will also firmly stay put, no matter how rough the terrain and how much young mountain bikers move. 


Merk Dainese
EAN 8051019337030