Dainese Trail Skin Armour Shorts - Beschermende broeken

Van het merk Dainese

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Product omschrijving

Slip the Trail Skin Armour Shorts under your regular mountain bike trousers or baggy shorts and you'll benefit from the extra comfort and protection they give. The knitted body-mapped construction and minimal seams ensure a smooth, flexible and lightweight feel that moves with you as you pedal and manoeuvre your bike. The synthetic fibres also deal quickly and efficiently with sweat, keeping you dry even during warm days and intense riding sessions.  When you're on the saddle, the built-in seat pad provides extra support to your sit bones and eases pressure and vibrations as you hit rougher trails. To the outside of the thighs, pads provide extra protection during a slide along the ground - something that is a fact of life as you push tyre grip and lean angles further and further.


Merk Dainese
EAN 8051019320643