Abus MountZ Youth Cycling Helmet - Helmen

Van het merk Abus

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Product omschrijving

At the heart of the high-quality MountZ Youth Cycling Helmet is Abus' protective In-Mould design technology. This construction technique has allowed Abus to keep the weight low but protection levels high. An EPS foam core provides vital shock-absorbing protection from impacts to the head during a crash. Bonded to the inner is a structurally strong and durable polycarbonate outer shell. This fends off those inevitable knocks and bumps you get from low overhanging branches and trailside overgrowth. It also adds durability from the every day (ab)use it will see from keen young cyclists. Cool Comfort As young riders build speed and confidence, they'll quickly be pushing their ride limits and working up a good sweat. But with 5 inlet vents and 8 exhaust vents, they can look forward to cool airflow as the pace hots up. There's also a built-in bug mesh, keeping out those buzzing nasties while zooming along the trails.  Zoom Ace Urban adjustment system A good fitting helmet is essential for both safety and comfort. And here the Zoom Ace adjustment system makes it easy to get the fit just ride. With the rear dial attached to a full head ring, it's remarkably easy to get a secure and comfortable fit on every ride. It's ponytail compatible too, so long hair won't get in the way of comfort.


Merk Abus
EAN 4003318869662