Etnies Culvert Mid Shoes - Fietsschoenen

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Product omschrijving

When you're charging headlong down steep downhill trails and tackling challenging enduro races, the Culvert Mid Shoes, with their Michelin rubber OCX 4 sole, ensure you're confidently in control on your pedals. This performance rubber sole is the stickiest in the Etnies line and has some 3 times as much cushioning and shock-absorption as a standard sole unit. Ideal for riding fast.  When you're hitting big drops, whipping gaps and speeding across rough terrain, the moulded polyurethane Pro Foam 1 footbed soaks up high impacts, keeping your feet protected. For trail sections that require more pedalling, the TPU moulded Pedal Shank 2 gives positive energy transfer while also adding protection from big impacts.  The upper of the Culvert fuses the Etnies Force Shield design with hot-melted toe and heel cap protection. This reinforced design is not only tough but also provides you with excellent foot support and prevents the upper from bagging out from riding. The mid-ankle design also prevents those painful ankle strikes from your drivetrain and frame.  All-condition durability is also built-in. Firstly a Repel treatment fends off moisture when the weather turns damp and drizzly. Then the 3M Thinsulate™ lining ensures cosy comfort on cooler days too. A tongue gusset is also present, keeping out dirt and pebbles kicked up off the trail.


Merk Etnies
EAN 194691073273